April 30, 2013

Partnership provides jobs and helps disabled residents achieve their potential

WHITE PLAINS, NY: On Friday, April 26th, Westchester County Clerk Timothy C. Idoni accepted, on behalf of his office, the Business Partnership Award from Arc of Westchester at Arc’s annual Employer Recognition Breakfast. The award recognized the Office of the County Clerk for its role in creating employment opportunities for a significant number of people who have developmental disabilities and are residents of Westchester County through its use of eDocNY, a subsidiary of Arc which scans court records.

“Our partnership with eDocNY gives people with developmental disabilities the opportunity to achieve their potential in the workplace, results in increased workplace efficiency, and accounted for more than $100,000 in savings for the County of Westchester in its first year alone,” began County Clerk Tim Idoni. “In addition, taxpayer dollars are spent locally as eDocNY is located in Greenburgh, with employment going to Westchester residents.” The previous contract for scanning of court records was with a firm in Syracuse, New York.

Arc of Westchester has a long and enriching history of providing services to children and adults who have developmental disabilities and their families. eDocNY, created by Arc of Westchester is a leading company meeting the growing document management demands of government agencies and public and private corporations in the New York tri-state area.

The Office of the Westchester County Clerk has actively encouraged the hiring of people with developmental disabilities and, in addition to their partnership with eDocNY, contracts to employ one staffer with developmental disabilities.

For more information on the Office of the Westchester County Clerk, visit www.WestchesterClerk.com.
